DJ Sander
I came into contact with music at a young age. My father worked at Disco 538 in Uithuizen. As a child I often went along, and on the Sunday afternoon I often had to play a few records before the opening. In 1982 they already played with Technics SP15 turntables and an Iemke ...
January 23rd, 2019
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Michael Halve (1966) started collecting Italo music in 1983. Shortly after that year, inspired by Ben Liebrand and especially Peter Slaghuis, he decided to learn how to mix. As namegiver of ‘On The Beats Tonight’ he started this weekly mix program in 2006. ...
December 8th, 2016
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Peet Need
Peter (1967) For me it all started late 70’s when Azoto’s “San Salvador” came out. It was a revolution at that time. Little did I know that it was Italo, I was 12 years old. I really loved that early 80’s era when Cowley and Bobby O ruled the music industry
December 8th, 2016
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DJ Holly
DJ Holly (Patrick 1965) started collecting records from the age of 15. He was inspired by Ben Liebrands program “in the mix”, that was broadcasted in the early 80’s. That make him to start mixing himself. He was also a DJ in a small discothek from 1984 ...
December 8th, 2016
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Sergi Elias
My passion with music I guess is an inheritance from my father. He was not really into dance music but he liked recording compilations tapes. He was what a premature ‘home DJ’ I guess. He also was passionate with filming in SUPER8 format. Not only filming but also adding ...
April 4th, 2013
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