
Dance Mania Summer Stop

Hi Guys,

I’ll have a short summer recess. A new episode of the show (Volume 48) will be broadcasted Saturday September 13th. The last episode (Volume 47) will be broadcasted on August 16th.

In the weeks in between we will broadcast replays of some shows that have been appealing in the past.

The schedule is as follows:
Sat August 23: Dance Mania Volume 19
Tue August 26: Replay Dance Mania Volume 19
Sat August 30: Dance Mania Volume 27
Tue September 3: Replay Dance Mania Volume 27
Sat September 6: Dance Mania Volume 30
Tue September 9: Replay Dance Mania Volume 30

The playlists will still be there.

I wish everyone happy holidays!

-DJ Pim



August 8th, 2008

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